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F# Styles

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This chapter focuses on F# programming style, which is basically functional traits of the language.

Function call style

Function call in F# doesn't need parenthesis. Actually, F# sees all methods like a curry function, even if they come from C# library or BCL! For example, instead of writing:

Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

In F#, we can remove the parathesis and semi-colon, as long as the function's parameters aren't ambiguous.

// it isn't ambiguous as it can match only one function signature out of several overloaded forms.
Console.WriteLine "Hello World!"

However, if a method has many parameters, F# will perceive it as a function of a Tuple value and it needs parathesis to signify the tuple, as comma in F# has (alomost?) lowest operator precedence (in other words, lowest priority).

So you can't do Console.WriteLine "Hello {0}", "World", as it will be interpreted as (Console.WriteLine "Hello {0}"), "World" or unit * string tuple type.

Class' constructor is automatically treated as a function in F#, so we don't need to use the keyword new in order to instantiate a class.

open System.Collections.Generic
let arrayList = List<int>() // or new List<int>()

However, if the class implements IDisposable, F# will issue a warning that you should use new keyword to show an attention needed for this kind of object, which I don't see the point so I often suppress the warning (760).


Good thing in any functional languages is tail-recursive optimization! In order to write a recursive function in F#, you need the keyword rec after let declaration.

/// Call f() n times
let rec repeatCall f n =
if n > 0 then
repeatCall f (n-1) // tail-recursive

In case you never heard of it, tail recursive is a kind of self calling without further processing from the return value. From the example, the return value, which is unit, is immediately used as a return value, not futhre calculation needed. This is a kind of tail recursive.

Following example is not tail recursive:

let factorial n =
if n = 0
then 1
else n * (factorial (n-1))

Since the value of factorial (n-1) is needed to do further calculation.

Forward pipe

Backward pipe

Point-free style (Tacit programming)

Pattern Matching

Error Handling


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